To allow for user-defined simulation time, a new TW_STIME API has been put in place. This API is implemented through various #define macros, which should allow users flexibility while maintaining the performance of ROSS when not using this feature. Any models which have already been developed using the original double type for tw_stime are unchanged.

API Components

The TW_STIME API consists of 3 components:

  1. The tw_stime type definition. In ROSS, this has historically been a double type. Now, users can define any valid C datatype.
  2. 5 macros implemented with #define. These macros allow the C-preprocessor to replace various tw_stime manipulations with in-line statements or function calls. They are used throughout ROSS, but do not need to be called from model code.
  3. A definition of the MPI_TYPE_TW_STIME, which is needed for MPI communication during parallel simulations. If needed, new tw_stime implementations must implement a derived MPI datatype.

The Macros

The following macros are used throughout ROSS to ensure consistent interaction with tw_stime objects.

Create: TW_STIME_CRT(x)

Where x is of type double. Given a double value, this macro should create and return a tw_stime object.

Double Conversion: TW_STIME_DBL(x)

Where x is of type tw_stime. Given a tw_stime object, this macro should return a double value. This is often used for printing or statistics counting. In implementing this API, some global variables have been converted to double types.

Compare: TW_STIME_CMP(x, y)

Where x and y are of type tw_stime. Given two tw_stime objects, return a comparison between them. If x is less than y, the return value is less than zero. If x is equal to y, the return value is zero. If x is greater than y, the return value is greater than zero. This is the most frequently used macro throughout ROSS.

Addition: TW_STIME_ADD(x, y)

Where x and y are of type tw_stime. Given two tw_stime objects, return a new tw_stime object which is the addition of the two.

Maximum Value: TW_STIME_MAX

This macro takes no arguments and should return a maximum tw_stime object. In the included double implementation, the value used is DBL_MAX.


The reference implementation defines tw_stime as a double type. Thus, it is able to use the built-in MPI_DOUBLE type, without the need for creating a derived type. The comparison operation can become a one-liner using the C ternary operator. The other API functions are trivial.

typedef double tw_stime;
#define TW_STIME_CRT(x)     (x)
#define TW_STIME_DBL(x)     (x)
#define TW_STIME_CMP(x, y)  (((x) < (y)) ? -1 : ((x) > (y)))
#define TW_STIME_ADD(x, y)  ((x) + (y))
#define TW_STIME_MAX        DBL_MAX